The Day Everything Changed
Am I going to lose my job?
Things were looking pretty bleak at work. Our large Australian nonprofit had a serious fundraising problem. We’d relied on major gifts for too long to make budget, but now they were starting to dry up.
Not only that, but our email list was shrinking!
The senior management was softening us all up for job cuts. “Last on, first off,” was the rule. By this stage, I was one of the longest-serving team members. In theory, that should have protected me from an initial round of firings. But I still couldn’t stop worrying about losing my job.
As our ‘go broke’ date drew nearer, the team ruthlessly cut costs. The first thing to go was the marketing budget. Except this created a vicious cycle. Our donors stopped hearing from us, making them even less likely to give.
We had hit rock bottom. But then something incredible happened that changed everything…
In fact, it didn’t just turn things around for our nonprofit, but it changed my life forever.
We were introduced to a team of savvy fundraising consultants who taught us how to build a healthy, scalable and sustainable movement. They showed me how to raise funds online using our nonprofit’s website.
Suddenly, my eyes were opened to the power of digital marketing. I could now see how to turn website traffic into donations. And those donations meant we could reach more people with our message, raise more awareness, and build influence for our cause.
When I started on this journey, our website brought in about $30,000 a year. That same website is now helping the organisation raise millions of dollars every year.
Since then, I’ve consulted for countless nonprofits helping them raise more funds and build their own following of loyal donors. This website is intended to be a resource for nonprofit leaders like you to grow their impact through the power of digital marketing. My goal is to share the lessons I’ve learned so you can impact more lives.

David Hutt